Thursday, May 21, 2009


I love peonies. I think they are such a beautiful flower. They a wonderful fullness to them and they are just plain girly. I love them. I think big vases filled with peonies is stunning. Springtime is for peonies.

I love peonies.

That is all.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


In terms of television during the summer, SYTYCD is the only thing worth watching. I am starting to loathe American Idol, especially if Adam "i'm a screaming douche bag" Lambert wins. Sure he can sing but that doesn't mean he won't annoy the crap out of you every step of the way. Anyways, So You Think You Can Dance is so much more fun to watch. There is more action with the group dances, solos and pairs AND the hot tamale train. I'm pumped!!

I love SYTYCD so much, that when I first moved to DC, we didn't have tv hooked up but i was determined to watch the last few episodes. So I went to the apartment club house and watched it. It didn't matter that others were trying to study, smoke, or play pool. No siree- i had to watch. Benji won that year. It was a good year. They are all good years! I can't wait for the talent and for Mia Micheals to offend someone.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mr. Charles A. Estee, ESQ

Tomorrow my super smart boyfriend will become a Juris Doctor!!!

I'm so proud of him! He has worked so hard to get here and I'm so glad that it has finally come! He has two more months of hard work to take the bar but then he will get to be a real grown up! I am so excited about the future with you Cal Estee, J.D.

Love you with all my heart! I'm so proud of you!!!!!

Who knew--this guy would be a lawyer!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Time to Myself

Parents are off to our native land. I have a house and hot-tub all to myself!! I plan on taking full advantage!
Hope Pico is ready for all the lounging!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Study Study Babes, Schools Your Buddy

I need to post, but I can't think of anything to say. And I don't want to be Depressive Daisy. So instead a big shout out to the Big Guy who's studying for finals for the last time.

Reminds me of the good old days, when I spent my days at the library. Man, I was such a loser, I was known as the girl who was always at the library. You think my grades would have reflected that. But I do have lots of great memories of walks behind the library with lauren, dc and honey mustard dressing with DuWop, lots of time with Leah and psychology. Just a grand ol' time.